Meet the Team
Marvin Melendez - Writer

Marvin was born and raised in Gainesville, FL. Marvin was actively performing Spoken Word Poetry throughout Florida. After having a curiosity of acting Marvin auditioned for his first play in High Springs, Florida. Realizing his passion for acting, Marvin strived to take every acting gig he could. After several acting gigs, Marvin challenged himself to write the feature screenplay titled the Vlog. With having acted in several stage productions such as 'Rehearsal For Murder' and 'Sylvia', and on-camera productions like the CBS All Access hit drama 'Tell Me A Story.' Marvin is ready to act in his own production that he hopes will not only serve as a joy to watch but also as an inspiration to those who are dealing with a life-altering event in their life.
Follow him on Instagram @theonlymarvingm.
Gabriel Carnick - Director

Gabriel Carnick is an award-winning director and cinematographer who got her BC in Video Production from Ohio University and her MFA in Film Directing from Chapman University. She focuses on narrative films that seek to improve the world and inspire audiences in all genres. She has been working as a director for 15 years. Based in Los Angeles but working globally.
Website: gabrielcarnick.com
IG: @gabrieldirectorcinematographer
Email: filmmakergabriel@gmail.com
Kristin R. Thomas - Executive Producer

You can follow her on Twitter @Indiefilmgirl and on Instagram @Indiefilmgirl23
Kristin R. Thomas has accomplished more within the state lines of North Carolina than what often takes many filmmakers within the Los Angeles city lines years to accomplish. From a young film buff to a self-taught film student, with a strong appetite for knowledge, it's no wonder that Thomas now calls the shots at her own production company.
​After attending Appalachian State University, Thomas got a job at Cutters Production as a Production Assistant and the Executive Assistant. While working at Cutters Productions, Kristin knew her heart belonged to film. In faith, Thomas quit her job and the next day started working as a Producer for a feature film. Not looking back, Kristin Thomas started producing Indie films and specializing in branding opportunities as a funding source for entertainment projects, events, theatrical plays, and print media. Thomas is currently the Creator, Executive Producer, and Host for the LGBTQ+ media outlet, “Trip Out TV."
Kristin continues to provide production services for Hollywood Movie Studios, Independent Producers, and Web Creators worldwide.


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branding opportunities, contact
at MountainGirl Productions